Our Work
ECG supports organizations operating in diverse sectors around the world. A few highlights of ECG’s work include:

Audit and Attestation Review
In 2023 and 2024, ECG supported USAID/Moldova by providing several audit and attestation services to review its implementing partners in Moldova. Specifically, ECG conducted agreed-upon-review procedures for a private-public-partnership project funded by USAID and a compliance audit of the government of Moldova (GOM) for receiving direct funding from USAID under the Development Objective Agreement (DOAG).
Financial Management Support Services
Between 2022 and 2027, ECG provided the following services through an IDIQ contract with USAID/Zimbabwe:
- Attestation Engagements to examine, review, or perform Agreed-Upon Procedures on a specific concern (s) or an assertion (s)
- Financial reviews of US and local implementing partners
- End-Use Reviews and verification of USAID-financed commodities/NXPs under USAID awards/contracts
- Develop and conduct training courses (financial management and other similar courses) for USAID implementing entities and/or USAID staff

IntraHealth (USAID funded project)
USAID/Burundi Localization Events - Industry Day and Localization Training
In 2024, ECG organized two events to support USAID’s localization mission in Burundi.
- Firstly, ECG organized and held an Industry Day for the USAID/Burundi mission and local organizations in Burundi. The objective was to introduce and build relationships between the USAID mission staff and a wide range of local partner organizations, with an aim to support the mission in its wider localization goals – to increase the proportion of local organizations receiving USAID funding. A total of 124 participants and 65 local organizations attended the USAID/Burundi Industry Day. The event was conducted in French, the official language of Burundi.
- Secondly, to further support USAID’s localization goals in Burundi, as a follow up event to the Industry Day, ECG planned and conducted a Localization Training for 67 participants from 18 local organizations. The objective of the training was to build the capacity of local organizations to work with USAID, including identifying, bidding on, winning, and implementing a USAID project. The training also provided access to additional resources to further build their capacity.
Kaizen, a TetraTech Company (USAID funded project)
HR Technical Support and Capacity Strengthening
In 2024, ECG provided technical assistance and capacity-strengthening support to three local organizations based in Iraq so that they could manage USAID and other international donor awards while successfully delivering strong development outcomes. The ECG team conducted a comprehensive assessment of their HR systems and policies, provided short-term technical assistance, and provided actionable recommendations for improvement in the form of a short-, medium-, and long-term workplan.

UN Women
Financial Reviews and Financial Management Training
From 2022 to 2025, through a long-term agreement (LTA) ECG provided a range of financial management services to UN Women Afghanistan, supporting over 100 local UN Women implementing partner organizations. ECG support services included providing organizational capacity strengthening, developing policy manuals, performing quarterly financial reports reviews, and developing and delivering financial management training.
Kaizen, a TetraTech Company (USAID funded project)
USAID New Partner Training Course Curriculum Development
In 2024, under subcontract to the USAID New Partnerships Incubator (NPI) project, ECG designed, wrote, and developed the training curriculum for a comprehensive course covering various topics, including an introduction to USAID assistance awards, USAID financial management, reporting requirements, awards compliance requirements, monitoring and evaluation, and close-out procedures for new USAID implementing partners on how to manage a USAID award.

CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA) (USAID funded project)
Incurred Cost Audit and Financial Review of USAID Implementing Partners in Afghanistan
From 2018 to 2021, in partnership with CliftonLarsonAllen (CLA), ECG performed
- an incurred costs audit of multiple USAID contractors and implementing partners in Afghanistan. This included dozens of financial audits of USAID project direct costs, compliance with award terms, internal controls testing, reviews of procurement practices, and compliance with USAID regulations and local laws.
- a multi-phase comprehensive organizational assessment and review of donors’ funds managed by the Afghanistan state-owned national utility company DABS – Da Afghanistan Breshna Sherkat. DABS received $400 million in direct budget support funds from USAID/Afghanistan for implementing electricity infrastructure projects.